2025 Women’s Storytelling Festival

Sherwood Community Center 3740 Blenheim Blvd., Fairfax, VA

Join Better Said Than Done in March, in Fairfax, VA, or online, for the 6th Annual Women’s Storytelling Festival. The festival features 19 storytellers performing over 3 days in-person in Fairfax, March 21 – 23, with a special virtual only showcase premiering on March 20, 2025. The festival will be live-streaming and ticket holders will […]

Mini Class on Personal Storytelling

This 90 minute workshop will give some insights into what makes a great personal story, how to choose character traits and structures that support a short, personal story, and what to think about in the process of developing a new personal story. During the 90 minutes, participants will be given a writing prompt. A few […]