Workshops & Presentations

Better Said Than Done teaches storytelling through workshops and presentations. We host approximately 10 workshops online a year, open to the public. In addition, we are available for hire to give presentations, lead webinars, or run workshops of one hour, one day, or one year for your organization. We also have coaching services for clients who need a little help jumping over some storytelling hurdles.

You can register for our public storytelling workshops as they come up. Tune in and follow our upcoming events page or subscribe to our newsletter. More details about our workshop offerings below.

Corporate Programs

Storytelling is an important addition to your organization’s communication toolbox. Better Said Than Done can teach your team how to:

• use storytelling to connect with your audience;
• find and develop stories from your experience that bring your mission and results to life;
• effectively and memorably communicate your message;
• illustrate the value of your work in human terms; and
• deliver compelling stories for publications, presentations, correspondence, or networking.

Our instructors are talented storytellers, seasoned performers, experienced teachers and trainers, and skilled communications professionals who understand the business realm. We have real-world experience running companies, working in communications, research, and academic settings, and interacting with a variety of industries.

Onsite corporate storytelling workshops:
When you hire Better Said Than Done to present or lead a storytelling workshop for your organization, we tailor it to address your requirements and interests and for the skills and experience of those attending. Whether you need someone to help your research team turn data into stories, or work with staff from multiple departments to develop a unified story brand, we will lead your team of five to five hundred through the steps of writing and delivering a powerful story. We also take into account your scheduling concerns: If you need us to deliver a short lesson to a small group of professionals, we can lead an hour-long workshop; or if you have a full day for training, we can build a more in-depth experience.

Each workshop is a mix of education and interactive exercises. Our instructors will deliver clear lessons on how to develop and effectively use stories with examples related to your field of interest. We also lead team activities and writing exercises, making sure each participant understands and can incorporate the day’s lessons into his or her role and responsibilities.

Onsite or online storytelling presentations:
While our workshops involve team activities and individual writing exercises, our presentations address the practical applications of storytelling. Depending on your needs, interests, and schedule, Better Said Than Done can deliver short, 30-minute presentations on anything from crafting captivating elevator speeches to developing powerful mission statements, or longer, 3-hour presentations on incorporating your organization’s story into every aspect of your public deliverables or other storytelling topics. We are available to come onsite for brown bag lunches or as keynote speakers during your next conference, or we can create and deliver our presentations through webinars using your online presentation software.

Public Workshops

Braiding Stories – In this 90 minute workshop, we’ll discuss what braided stories are, different types of braided
tales, and when it makes sense to intertwine multiple stories. Then we’ll dig into some techniques on how to craft a braided story.
Participants will spend some time working and weaving their own tales, and a few will be given the chance to share a story.

Mini Class on Personal Storytelling – bring ideas for a 5-7 minute story to work on in this 90 minute class. Learn about character development, story structure, and where to begin and how to end, and then spend some time writing. A few participants will be able to share their stories with the class.
Next Online Workshops:
You must register in advance to be given access code.

Spotlight on You – a 3 to 4 hour workshop which includes lessons about storytelling structure, character development and other techniques for creating dramatic, engaging and true, personal stories. Class size is limited so all students will be given the opportunity to write, share at least one story, and receive critical feedback.
Next Workshops: TBD
You must register in advance.

Your Story, Your Life – 5 two hour classes, over five weeks, to help you develop secondary characters, dialogue, non-linear structure, enhanced performance skills, and stories of varying lengths to be performed on stage. Students will be able to workshop and hone at least one, and possibly several, stories over the course of 5 weeks.
$199 per registrant
Led by Jessica Robinson.

Next Workshop Starts September 4, 2024.
Register HERE

Braiding Stories – In this 90 minute workshop, we’ll discuss what braided stories are, different types of braided tales, and when it makes sense to intertwine multiple stories. Then we’ll dig into some techniques on how to craft a braided story. Participants will spend some time working and weaving their own tales, and a few will be given the chance to share a story.
Next Workshop TBD

Spotlight On You Too – a 5 hour workshop covering more advanced storytelling lessons. Meant as a follow up workshop to Spotlight on You, this is also ideal for any experienced storyteller looking to delve deeper into a particular story, work on enhanced performance techniques, or play around a little more with form.
Led by Jessica Robinson
Next workshop TBD

Please note: You should receive a receipt for registering right away. We do not send the login information until about a week before the workshop. IF you do not receive the email, please contact stories (at) bettersaidthandone (dot) com. PLEASE include your hone #. We have had trouble with some people not receiving our emails even after they’ve emailed us!

Your Business Story: Crafting your company tale
Motivate volunteers for your cause, move prospects to sign on as clients and convince investors yours is the right business by telling your story. After this half-day workshop, which focuses on how to write a compelling story, students will leave with stories to use as content for their website, brochure, and elevator speech. Stories are workshopped with teachers and other students, lending different perspectives on your business tale.
Led by Jessica Robinson
$85 per registrant.
Next Workshop TBD
You must register in advance to be given access code.
Next business storytelling workshop TBD.

“shone a light on what was effective “

“Jessica was a skilled instructor and facilitator who passionately conveyed the power of storytelling while staying patient with our questions and emerging efforts. When reviewing our stories, she shone a light on what was effective and encouraged us to excavate for special elements that could help our stories come to life. We recommend her to anyone who wants to begin or improve their storytelling to elevate their messaging and communication skills.”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Bloom Planning

“launched my storytelling journey”

“The pasta dishes are cooked to perfection and the sauces are full of flavour. Highly recommend!”Jessica and her Better Said Than Done workshops launched my storytelling journey, and now keeps it blossoming.
I started with her “intro” online course, receiving essential critiques that shaped and preserved the best parts of my storytelling style.
Each time Jessica recited a story, I realized I was learning from a master.

Her modeling, advice and gentle critiques give me more courage to keep going live.”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— M. Fryburg

“very well received”

“Our SLT team met today and your portion of the retreat was very well received by our group.

I have spoken to a couple of coaches and have only received positive feedback.

Enjoy the rest of your summer and thanks again for your time and expertise!”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Todd

Cancellation Policy

No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after registration. In extenuating circumstances, to be determined solely by Better Said Than Done, Inc., a voucher for attendance at another Better Said Than Done workshop of equal or lesser value may be offered. Additional fees may be required.

Substitutions for persons attending can be made in advance without charge. In the event of circumstances beyond its control, Better Said Than Done reserves the right to amend or cancel any event. Better Said Than Done is not liable for any expense incurred by participants as a result of cancellation.